The cool air cut through by body as I stood on the steps, waiting for the church bus to arrive so I could climb aboard to help pick up kids for church. I noticed another group of people nearby, waiting for a different bus. As I stood there, my mind drifted away to other matters. Then, one of the people in the other group, who I don’t talk to very often, turned around and exclaimed, “Oh hey! Glad to see you! How are you?” This caught me a bit off guard. I don’t even remember what stammered in response. But I will tell you, it made my day. All that person said was, “Hey! Glad to see you!”. But they meant it. It was really nice. And, although this happened several months ago, I still remember it (obviously)! Each day, we have the opportunity to show someone that we care about them. One kind remark can make their day. Let’s use those opportunities! Here are a few more ways to do just that: 1. Smile. Really, that’s it; just smile. As you walk by someone or randomly make eye contact, smile. It will generally cause the other person to smile back. It takes almost no effort, and perhaps they will then pass a smile on to someone else. 2. Compliment someone. Validate something they did. Congratulate them for an achievement. Now, I need to clarify here: make it a valid complement, and mean it. Don't make it something shallow. Say something they can't minimize or brush off; for example, “I really like your sense of humor”. 3. Call them. Don’t settle for just a quick text or email, talk to them for real. This is something I need to work on. But, I do know it works! 4. Help out. Spend some time helping them on a project. Teach them how to do something. Fix a problem for them. Anything. Just get off your phone for a few minutes and show them you care. 5. Give. Sacrifice something. And I don’t just mean money, although you really can’t go wrong there. Send a gift to a friend. Better yet, do it anonymously. Leave a basket on their doorstep while they’re gone. Pay the toll for the driver behind you. Don’t give to get repaid, give without any expectation of getting something back (Luke 6:35). It is far more gratifying to give and not get something back than to simply make a transaction of services. As Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). It doesn’t take much to show someone you care, but it can do a lot. One final note: Don’t just do nice things for your friends. Do them for people you aren't particularly fond of. Show graciousness and sportsmanship to your opponents in competitions. Complement someone who has offended you. Send a gift to someone who hurt you. Quite simply, “love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44-47, Proverbs 25:21-22). God has called us to encourage and strengthen one another each day (Hebrews 3:13). Unfortunately, we let many opportunities to encourage each other slip by because we are too distracted, or worse, self centered. Let’s change that! Was this post encouraging? Please feel free to share it on social media and subscribe for more posts like this one:
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About Nathaniel HendryI blog on common social issues from a reasoned, conservative Christian perspective in easy to understand writing. I am committed to academic excellence in writing and supported by solid reasoning and research. About A Worthy WordThe Worthy Word isn't mine, but God's. I just try to explain the truly Worthy Word and encourage you from it. Categories
December 2020