On January 28, 1986, the Columbia space shuttle exploded shortly after liftoff, killing the seven astronauts on board. Investigation revealed that a those in charge had been warned of faulty O-rings - the cause of the disaster - but had discounted the concern. They had succumbed to “groupthink”. “Groupthink” stands in the way of safety, progress, and truth. When people fail to allow those with dissenting views to have a voice, they risk suppressing the most important information. In order to achieve true understanding, we must allow there to be a diverse group of people who are able to give input.
Our nation today is becoming increasingly diverse. Demographics show that variations in age, ethnicity, and upbringing often result in differing views. However, differing views having open discussion do not necessarily produce the correct answer; often they cause conflict. Therefore the governments should respond by following the structure derived from the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The first amendment states that the government should not abridge “the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble”. This means that the government should not restrict the views of those who are not “politically correct” and should not interfere with the news agencies (in contrast to countries such as China, where the government runs the news). However, violence should not be tolerated as a legitimate means of promoting one’s views. Violence necessarily suppresses other speakers and thus is the opposite of free speech. When truly free sharing of opinions is allowed, the truth can, and will, eventually rise to the top. The christian response, however should be somewhat different. Christians should strive to ensure that truth remains the only teaching they allow to influence them. This truth is found in the Word of God (John 17:17). When new ideas and worldview arise, christians should compare the concepts to the truths in the scriptures. Any views that are contrary to scripture must be rejected. Christians should then be prepared to defend their positions and reason with those holding false views, in hopes of persuading them to believe the truth (1 Peter 3:15). Once again, however, christians must be careful that the beliefs that they cling to align with scripture, and are not based alone on the weak foundation of man’s ideas. When the Roman Catholic church suppressed all opposing views in favour of tradition, science and knowledge were held at a standstill for over 1000 years. Diversity of views can allow the truth to be found, and so we should ensure that it has the opportunity to do so, but christians need look no farther than the to the closest bible. Was this post encouraging? Please feel free to share it on social media and subscribe for more posts like this one:
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About Nathaniel HendryI blog on common social issues from a reasoned, conservative Christian perspective in easy to understand writing. I am committed to academic excellence in writing and supported by solid reasoning and research. About A Worthy WordThe Worthy Word isn't mine, but God's. I just try to explain the truly Worthy Word and encourage you from it. Categories
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