The Constitution of the United States, which is the basis for our system of government, is superior to other political documents because of its great interesting in protecting human rights and preventing the government from abusing its citizens The Constitution outlines a system of government in which the people have input into the government, without being a pure democracy. In a pure democracy the mob rules: If 51 percent of people think you shouldn't have your stuff, then they take your stuff. This is hardly a good method for governing a large body of people.
However, in the Constitution people still have a say indirectly, in the form of representatives. Furthermore, the election of these Representatives is based on geographical District, instead of proportional to the total vote. This keeps wackos and people like nazis, out of the government and thus promotes a more unified governing body. Also, the Constitution established several mechanisms by which to prevent overreach. One of them is checks and balances. The Constitution specifies that they are the three branches of government, each one keeping the other two accountable and preventing them from gaining too much power. Power is shared. Moreover, being a republic, United States is governed by a set of laws, instead of the edicts of a few very powerful people. Without a set of laws like we have, abusive rulers would infringe on the rights of the citizens. Lastly, the founding fathers wisely made it difficult for the Constitution to be changed. This prevents political fads from radically changing the way we operate as a nation. It provides stability and insures that longstanding precedents are not changed unless it is truly needed for them to be. Overall, the Constitution establishes a system of government that protects the people, instead of abusing them. Was this post encouraging? Please feel free to share it on social media and subscribe for more posts like this one:
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About Nathaniel HendryI blog on common social issues from a reasoned, conservative Christian perspective in easy to understand writing. I am committed to academic excellence in writing and supported by solid reasoning and research. About A Worthy WordThe Worthy Word isn't mine, but God's. I just try to explain the truly Worthy Word and encourage you from it. Categories
December 2020